Acceptable Use Policy

Evini maintains this Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") to provide users, together with any company or other business entity they are representing (collectively "You" or "Your"), of Purified Technology's various systems and networks (the "Service") with information relating to Your use of the Evini website located at ("Evini Site"). The AUP applies to all users and visitors to, the Evini Site.

Lawful Use

You may only use the Service for lawful purposes. You may not store or transmit any information, data or files in violation of any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation and may not use the Service to facilitate the violation of any law statute, ordinance or regulation. In accordance with out Terms of Service (TOS) and Partner Terms of Service (PTOS) we may remove any material that may be illegal, may subject us to liability, or may violate this AUP. Purified Technology Ltd may co-operate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrongdoing.


You may not use the service to:

  • infringe on any third party copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary right
  • carry out, or attempt to carry out, fraudulent activity
  • carry out threats, harassment or libellous activity
  • post material that constitutes "hate speech", whether directed at an individual or group and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, nationality, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or language of such a group or individual
  • violate anyones privacy or publicity rights
  • harm, or attempt to harm minors, including but not limited to child pornography. Any violations will immediately be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency
  • post material that is defamatory, hateful, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy or otherwise objectionable material relating to bestiality or depicting non-consensual sex acts
  • be part of any pyramid, phasing, farming or ponzi scheme or engaging in other deceptive practices


Use of the API is to allow you to integrate the Service with other computer programs or services that you may use. Any abuse or the API, excessive requests deemed to be beyond that required to carry out normal integrations may result in suspension of API or account access. Evini will attempt to warn You before taking such action so that remedial action may be taken, although such notice cannot be guaranteed.

General Prohibitions

You may not use the Service for any of the following reasons:

  • the transmission of unsolicited email ("spam"), email bombing or email forging
  • any kind of network attack, including but not limited to denial of service (DOS) attacks, crawling external networks, and intentional overloading of other networks
  • the collection, sale or transmission of personal information without explicit permission of that person(s)

General account use

You may not lease or sell Your account or any part of it. You must not give your password to any other persons or allow access to your account by any other persons.

Payment Gateway & Stores

You must adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service of any payment gateway that you use.

Acceptance of Terms

Use of the Service constitutes acceptance and agree to Purified Technology AUP and Terms of Service. At any point should we find You have violated the AUP or Terms of Service then your account may be suspended or terminated without prior notice.


Purified Technology requests that anybody who is aware of a violation of the AUP to contact support Evidence in the form of IP addresses, HTTP links and website urls should be provided where available.

Updates to this Policy

The Acceptable Use Policy may be amended at any time by posting the new AUP on the Evini. All amended terms shall be automatically effective 30 days after they are posted on the Evini. You continued use of the Service will constitute Your acceptance of any changes or additions to this AUP.